Venezuela : genealogy of the crisis and problems of change

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Juan Agulló


Venezuela is, possibly, the most evident symptom of the delicate moment taking place in Latin America. What happened there in 1989 it is only the by product of two major crisis: 1) an inward model of development, socially integrating, but politically restrictive and macro economically unreliable. 2) A viable outward growing model but socio-politically polarizing. Thus, the collapse of the older regime shouldn’t be understood with promoting social transformation. It has serious structural obstacles. Even the better off economic population doesn't support it. Comprehending the genealogy of the crisis engenders the issue of change: that is the objective of this essay.


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How to Cite
Agulló, J. (2005). Venezuela : genealogy of the crisis and problems of change. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 267–282.

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