The role of the peasantry in the agrarian reform and the definition of agricultural policies in Latin America

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Rosa María Larroa Torres


The agrarian public politics in Latin America has been a result from social actors participation, and from capital needs. In this sense, the peasant movement force, its ethnic composition and its sectorial proyect has been determinated in models of the agrarian reform implanted. Except for Cuba case, every agrarian reform process were counter-reformations and, in some cases, they were cancelled, when they exceded limits, not convenient to modern bourgeoisie. In the last millennium decade recovery of peasant movement with a big social change proyect, will open, perhaps, the agrarian reforms chapter.


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How to Cite
Larroa Torres, R. M. (1997). The role of the peasantry in the agrarian reform and the definition of agricultural policies in Latin America. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 4(7), 93–107.

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