Cuba : economic reform, social restructuring and politics

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Haroldo Dilla Alfonso


The central idea o f this article refers that the economic reform realized in Cuba is being creating a social framework that could leed to a restoration of a capitalism, but it's not necessarily, because there are alternatives for socialist continuity. So it's important to potentialize popular subject, and even the new social and political subjects of technocratic-burocratic sectors, in the new scene created with the reforms; those means a social restructuration according to a specific political model such as an ideological one. This reflection suggest the increase of popular participation spaces with larger autonomy and, in essence, to rebuilt the whole Cuban political system.


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How to Cite
Dilla Alfonso, H. (1997). Cuba : economic reform, social restructuring and politics. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 4(7), 165–178.

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