Latin America in the globalization of the future

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Adrián Sotelo Valencia


At the present time the posibilities of the capitalist development in the World are taken and bound to a range more or less variable of “models”, all they caught in the neoliberal politicians. They exist, so, three capitalist projects: the one that you/he/she/it are disputed the hegemony  of the new technologies and the monopoly of the sciences and the knowledge; the one that their antipode constitutes, that is to say, that one that rests in the superexplotation of the work, in low wages and in the great unemployment and, lastly, the one that you/he/she/it are of a luck of virtuous combination of the anterior, All are unwrapped in the vicissitudes that he/she/it/you goes marking the economic globalization. The present rehearsal analyzes the insert form Mexico in these projects pointing out their proximity with the second.


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How to Cite
Sotelo Valencia, A. (1996). Latin America in the globalization of the future. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 3(6), 19–49.

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