Globalization of capital and restructuring the world of work in Latin America

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Adrián Sotelo Valencia


The author looks onto the thirty years of Dependency Theory in the context f the recent capitalist transformations in Latin America. From the main dependency weaknesses of the dominant school of thought, this first chapter explores what were the central contributions of dependency, in recent day. Then it evaluates the analytic capacity to explain the capitalist crisis form large cycles theory and capital reproduction pattern. The principal approach says that spite the first theory is able to prospect capitalist depressions, it cannot easily preview the future recuperation phases, like the one experiments the economy today. He sustains that is the neoliberal model the one taking a dominant place now. The author concludes showing some problems to prevent future in structures changes in the worldwide process on the global capitalist economy.


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How to Cite
Sotelo Valencia, A. (1997). Globalization of capital and restructuring the world of work in Latin America. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 4(8), 47–59.

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