The new international economic order and the crossroads of Brazilian scientific-technological policy

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Carlos Eduardo Rosa Martins


Carlos E. Rosa portrays the new technological trajectories are determined by the micro-electronic base to explain it, he makes an analysis of the newly competitive patterns in the industrialized countries, especially on the working relations of the inter and intra-firms and the role of the State. The author, while looking into the Korean example, also evaluates the NICs catching-up possibilities to join the industrialized world. Finally, he looks on to the Brazilian case. Unlike most industrialized countries, and because its economic and social structures require it, he believes that Brazil needs to emphasize a State-based policy, especially in the areas of industry, science and technology.


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How to Cite
Rosa Martins, C. E. (1999). The new international economic order and the crossroads of Brazilian scientific-technological policy. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 6(11), 133–156.

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