The model of integration of Eastern Europe into the European Union: an alternative political and economic diversification for Latin America

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Ana Teresa Gutiérrez del Cid


Latin America, as part of sub developed World, has suffered a very important impact and influence as a result of the Worlwide process; it forces our countries to adequate themselves to that process in the economic and political order of international relations. The restructuring is based on an exportation production policy and on a submission toward the international financial institutions. The author says globalization process has generated a new work international division when it transforms the whole international economy structure. At the same time, it impacts the internal economies everywhere and the entire international relations system, this one accelerated since the collapse of Eastern Europe and the disappearance of Soviet Union. So, the author analyzes the integration eastern European model to reflects about the impacts of such initiative could have in Latin America process.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez del Cid, A. T. (2000). The model of integration of Eastern Europe into the European Union: an alternative political and economic diversification for Latin America. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 7(12-13), 99–119.

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