Sociocultural aspects of intermediaries in the agricultural labor market: the case of the captains of Tenextepango, Morelos. An analysis model for Latin America

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Kim Sánchez Saldaña


The present work reflects on the importance of the intermediaries’ participation on the structuration and functioning of agricultural work markets, making emphasis on its social and cultural dimension. Taking a specific case, the author looks the reason for the meaning to recuperate the notions of broker and cultural intermediary form a perspective which privileges the multidimensional character of a particular social relations field, to understand the global dynamic.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Saldaña, K. (2000). Sociocultural aspects of intermediaries in the agricultural labor market: the case of the captains of Tenextepango, Morelos. An analysis model for Latin America. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 7(12-13), 303–321.

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