Globalized imperialism and nation-state law of value

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Adrián Sotelo Valencia


The author describes the man theories that have been sketched on the globalization of the world capitalism. Starting form a theoretical discussion, this trial concludes that this stage cannot substitute the one that was conceptualized correctly by the classics as "imperialism"; but rather this in the current time, is the one that redefines to the commercial, financial, technological and cultural processes identified under the concept "globalization". On the other hand, the article postulates that beside those expansible processes that redefine the imperialism as long as a world system, the State-nation doesn't disappear but rather it is also re-functionalized like a neoliberal State that it spreads to be adjusted to the prerogatives of the world expansion of the capital. Lastly, the author postulates as hypothesis that the current phase in that the system rests is sustained in the expansion and universalization of the value's law like axis of the globalization.


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How to Cite
Sotelo Valencia, A. (2001). Globalized imperialism and nation-state law of value. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 8(16), 31–45.

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