Globalization, crisis of capitalism and attack on the United States. Neoprotectionism of neoliberalism ?

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Erick Pernett G.


During second half of the XIX century the industrial capitalism emerges under the free-trade policies impulse in reaction to the mercantilist protectionism; and if at the end of the XX century the financial capitalism returns to free-trade policies of neoliberal court that enter crisis in the beginning of the XXI century, then are opened some questions on the future of the own capitalism, between them: it can actually the crisis of the neoliberalism be solved unfettered a new stage of neoproteccionism?, the capitalism resists other contraction phase as the one which seems be begun in this century?, a new international war allows to straighten the American economy and restore a new period of expansion to deepen yet more the globalization of the capital?, what new world order and what eventual re-alignment of blocks can stern from a conjuncture in the one which the three-polar structure of the regional centers and the competition inter-blocks had begun to be disintegrated as compared to the permanence of United States? In this trial is noted furthermore to the historical analysis of the neoliberalism and the globalization, where both constitute a historical moment in the phases of free-trade and protectionism by those which travels the world market, impelled by the cycles of expansion and economic contraction that characterize the dialectical of the capital. With the training of new powers industrialized to what is long of the time and with respect to the different stages of the world capitalism the American expansion by the control of the global market arrived to extraordinary limits. The stage of the globalization, reached around the end of XX century, after the breakup of the Agreement of Warsaw and the COMECON at the beginning of the nineties, and of the subsequent integration and contradictory unification of the world capitalist market under the predominance of the financial and transnational capital, lead to the fact that the XXI century is begun in similar conditions to those of principles of the XX century: with a unified world market under predominance of the capitalist production manner, though with technological-scientific development levels of growing complexity and under the hegemony of an alone power. And thus the assault on United States in September 2001 would, in the analysis line that here is exposed, put the final point to the phase in neoliberalism and inherent economic globalization to the expansion and crisis stage of the free-trade at the end of the XX century, to make way to an uncertain stage of neo-proteccionism toward the beginning of the XXI century where the assault seems to dial the transition to a contingent conjuncture of the globalization of the military power, based on the use of the force; and whose prelude, announced by the bombardments against Afghanistan and the world crusade against the terrorism, would constitute the beginning of a new international war with epicentre in the Indian Asian region. This fact coincides with a moment of world crisis of very deep dimensions, determined in large part by the dynamics that the neoliberal policy and the globalization process and internationalization of the capitalist market, under the leadership of United State, they had imposed in the managing of the human relationships at international level converting to this country in the impersonation of such crisis, and where that assault against its own territory seems be constituted in the detonative final of these cyclical processes and the starting point for its contingent transformation.


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How to Cite
Pernett G., E. (2001). Globalization, crisis of capitalism and attack on the United States. Neoprotectionism of neoliberalism ?. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 8(16), 47–70.

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