The new democracies exclusive peripheral capitalist countries. The case of Argentina

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Alfredo R. Pucciarelli


This work amends the central interpretation that on the nature and function of the Argentine democracy was attempted to elaborate previously. Now the question changed granting sufficient elements to transform the hypothesis. Subsequent investigations referred to the relationship between practical political and state management of the government consecrated in the presidential elections of 1999, compelled to the author to elaborate a different conclusion: the democratic regime reconstructed around the beginning of the decade of the eighties surpassed the non-definitions of the transition stage and achieved a reasonable stability in the current moment, of a paradoxical manner, denying its contained. No longer it is thought about the democracies existence "silly", imperfect, impotent or of intensity decrease; continues the author, either in only corruptive and inefficient democracies hooked by complicity or committed by omission with the social degradation, but in something else sensibly different: in the expansion of a new institutional political studding that, accompanying the social exclusion with the expropriation and the spoliation of all that constitutes the social, cultural and political identity, of the subordinate sectors, that becomes a strategic production instrument of the economic decline process, social decadence and institutional decomposition that it has come suffering the country during the last 25 years. For that cause, many of the hypothetical elements in the previous work will return now to present, but this time they will be relocated, redefined and resignified in function of this new explanation attempt.


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How to Cite
R. Pucciarelli, A. (2001). The new democracies exclusive peripheral capitalist countries. The case of Argentina. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 8(16), 109–144.

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