Vicissitudes of the transition in Chile: between continuity model and the limits of politics

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Darío Salinas Figueredo


Practically it exists a consensus in the recognition that in Chile has achieved be imposed a society model whose soundness in terms of its reproduction seems something unquestionable. However, there are fundamental questions that they have not been cleared. In presidential selection, technically a second return defines the result though it does not solve the narrowness of the differences; this can be considered an index of the difficulties incubated in the continuity itinerary. Either it can be disavowed the political impact of the social expectations accumulated to be proven that the concept of "equity" has not achieved be domiciled in the general development of the economy and the society neither in the feeling of the population. Thos society model, inheritance of the military regime much more than the previous one, seems to demand, as inherent phenomenon to its operation, the deepening of the social and political asymmetries that always existed. All this is not desirable, it is argued, to the time that orchestrates decisive proposals and resolutely mechanisms within a same matrix or political model that demands at the same time an increasingly opened economy, privatized, deregulated and globalized. But, by on the inertia of the model, its subsistence requires participation and consensus instruments. How to build consensus when the economy polarizes and segregates? Until where is possible to channel the policy such as perceived in the beginnings of the transition when the electoral system and parties does not achieve to guarantee the representation and participation of the whole society?


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How to Cite
Salinas Figueredo, D. (2001). Vicissitudes of the transition in Chile: between continuity model and the limits of politics. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 8(16), 163–179.

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