Venezuela: rentier populismo neoliberal populism?

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Nelly Arenas


The article displays an historical retrospective of populism in Venezuela under the sight of the rental condition that it has identified the Venezuelan State, and outline the idea that if in the past the Populists regimes were opposite to the economic practices of the liberalism, in the present they have had to agree with those policies, as we consider is occurring today with the government of the commander Hugo Chávez, despite his speech. This retrospective is showed after advancing some conceptual precisions about Populism, as well as to show grosso modo a set of ideas about the modernization process in Latin America, backdrop against the one which emerged so much the Classic Populisms as those of new mold, labeled New-Populisms, as the one which incarnates Chávez.


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How to Cite
Arenas, N. (2001). Venezuela: rentier populismo neoliberal populism?. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 8(16), 181–200.

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