Mexican and Latin American inequalities: a global contextualization

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Göran Therborn


Latin America’s notorious inequality is above all due to its income inequality, whereas in other parts of the world vital inequality of life and death or inequality of education weigh more heavily. Inequality should be seen as multidimensional, including also existential inequality, i. e. denial of recognition, autonomy, and respect of persons, e. g., for being women, indigenous, or afro-descendants. This article analyzes what CEPAL has called the current “Moment of Equality” (La Hora de la Igualdad) in Latin America, comparing it with equalization in Western Europe, United States, and Northeast Asia in l945-1980, both in political and economic context and in results. Some special attention is given to Mexican experiences and future.


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How to Cite
Therborn, G. (2015). Mexican and Latin American inequalities: a global contextualization. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (36), 83–107.

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Author Biography

Göran Therborn, Profesor e investigador de las Universidades de Uppsala, Suecia y Cambridge, Inglaterra.

Sociólogo sueco. Profesor e investigador de las Universidades de Uppsala, Suecia y Cambridge, Inglaterra.