Human Rights Based Approach in International Cooperation. A critical view from Latin America

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Asier Martínez de Bringas


This article highlights some interpretative arguments to understand a Human Rights Based Approach in International Cooperation. It begins with a general framework in relation to the linkage of rights and political cooperation, exposing some problems of the cooperation movement to draft an outcome from a sole perspective of the law, as well as challenges and interpretations. There are some conflicts taken care of at the institutional level of cooperation, which raises some issues of conventional laws adapting in more traditional cultural realities. Finally, it shows the conflictive
nature of human rights in of itself and the need to understand the intercultural dimensions.


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How to Cite
Martínez de Bringas, A. (2016). Human Rights Based Approach in International Cooperation. A critical view from Latin America. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (37), 41–64.

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Author Biography

Asier Martínez de Bringas, Investigador del Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Deusto.

Doctor en Derecho, profesor de Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad de Deusto e investigador del Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la misma. Ha realizado trabajos de investigación sobre derechos humanos, derechos de los pueblos indígenas, multiculturalismo, interculturalidad, teoría crítica del Derecho y el Enfoque Basado en Derechos Humanos en la Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo. Ha desarrollado su trabajo en América Latina con pueblos indígenas y movimientos sociales, distintas organizaciones de derechos humanos y de cooperación para el desarrollo. Email: <>.