Venezuela in transition. Regime in crossroads

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Héctor Briceño Montesinos


Between 1998 and 2013, the electoral system of Venezuela followed three basic features. 1) Hugo Chavez leadership and charisma. 2) A significant oil boom in Venezuela’s history. 3) The government’s willingness to fix the rules of the electoral system to favor pro government forces. These features allowed a State-manufactured system in which government officials began steps ahead in every election; that way they could control the process and diminish voting uncertainty, which is quite common in democratic electoral processes. However, after Chavez death in March 2013 and a deep social and economic crisis that followed, Venezuela is embroiled in uncertainties leading to the upcoming elections. How do voters and government officials behave amid the absence of these three features? Can other electoral features arise to predict future elections and what kind of new ones might determine voting behavior in Venezuela? Would elections be as competitive as it used to?


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How to Cite
Briceño Montesinos, H. (2016). Venezuela in transition. Regime in crossroads. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (38), 65–86.

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Author Biography

Héctor Briceño Montesinos, Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (CENDES, UCV).

Profesor, investigador y Jefe del Área Sociopolítica del Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (CENDES, UCV). E-mail: <>.


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