Criminal and territorial agreement

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Mirla Pérez


This paper provides an analysis of criminal activity from the perspective of the criminal. It means to gather key information in order to make sense a reality from the perspective of the people who are actually engaged in this business. In Venezuela, this phenomenon takes an unusual turn because both, the criminal and the political power structures, have merged at some point. Perhaps this could be a key element to understand what is going on in Latin America. This paper looks at the relation- ship of criminal activity and the State very carefully because it might be a form of crime that is arising ahead.


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How to Cite
Pérez, M. (2016). Criminal and territorial agreement. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (38), 189–210.

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Author Biography

Mirla Pérez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales. Profesora asociada de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Investigadora miembro del Centro de Investigaciones Populares y del Programa de Estímulo a la Investigación. <E-mail: <>.



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