World hegemony challenged

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Kostas Vergopoulos


The rapid U.S. victory in Iraq gave the world an erroneous message, which overstates the ideological belief of its economic supremacy over the world. Thos constitutes a danger to the international economic stability in the near future. The economic power is, in fact, much more limited. The U.S. full capacity isn't in condition to legitimize its current military undertakings. The problems confronting the world economy today need methods and ways to solve issues based upon the principles of multilateralism, fair participation, and democracy for all countries. Even the notion of "superpower" continues to rely on military arguments, rather than economic. Unfortunately, the firs notion tends to out weight the second one.


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How to Cite
Vergopoulos, K. (2019). World hegemony challenged. Estudios Latinoamericanos, 101–114.

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