Neoliberal offensive and civil society contradictions in Ecuador

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Jorge Luis Acanda González
Rosa García Chediak


The article presents an analysis of the Ecuadorian political scenario which opens with the mobilizations of October 2019 and leads on 2021 presidential elections. By using the theoretical-methodological platform developed by Antonio Gramsci, and some of his concepts, an explanation is offered to the enigmatic circumstance of why an uprising popular movement, that articulate multiple popular sectors, did not generate an effective political opposition to neoliberalism in the Andean country. To this end, a review of the background on how some characteristics of the State-civil society equation were historically constructed, and the changes introduced by the period of the Citizen Revolution is undertaken; as well as the restructurings operated by the neoliberal offensive during the Moreno´s administration that help to explain the implications of the last presidential elections.


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How to Cite
Acanda González, J. L. ., & García Chediak, R. . (2022). Neoliberal offensive and civil society contradictions in Ecuador. Estudios Latinoamericanos, (49), 105–128.

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Author Biographies

Jorge Luis Acanda González, Facultad de Comunicación, Universidad Central del Ecuador.

Doctor en Ciencias Filosóficas por la Universidad de Leipzig (1988). Profesor en la Facultad de Comunicación, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Líneas de investigación: filosofía política, teoría marxista e historia. E-mail: <>.

Rosa García Chediak, tigadora del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM.

Socióloga. Doctora en Procesos Políticos Latinoamericanos por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España. Profesora e investigadora del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM. Líneas de investigación: cambios socio-políticos y política educativa comparada en América Latina. E-mail: <>.