The MEXICAN JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS (MJBA), (ISSN-0185-4534) is published twice a year (June and December) by the Mexican Society for Behavior Analysis. The MJBA publishes original basic or applied research reports relevant to the behavior of nonhuman animals and humans. Review, theoretical articles, technical notes, and brief research reports are also considered for publication. The MJBA is a bilingual journal, publishing papers in either Spanish or English. Abstracts in both languages are also included for each article.

Vol. 50 No. 2 (2024): Diciembre

Published: 2024-11-28

Individual training in shared tasks with different levels of complexity

Carlos Raúl Zenteno Robledo, Rosalinda Arroyo Hernández, María Luisa Cepeda Islas

Reinforcement parameters in resistance to extinction in humans

Diana Elisabeth Reza Morales, David Ruiz Méndez, Cynthia Zaira Vega Valero

Feedback function of the stimulus situation, the response, and the consequence

María Ximena Moreno Yescas, Daniel Rentería Cárdenas, Alan René Loquay Ramsauer, Gerardo Alfonso Ortiz Rueda
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Indexed in: Scopus, PsycINFO, Redalyc.