Evaluación metodológica de la investigación contemporánea sobre respuestas académicas complejas en la instrucción Universitaria: Primera parte

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Juan José Sánchez Sosa


A review was made of a number of research articles Qn Me effects of diverse variables Qn the establishment or maintenance of “complex” academic responses. Each paper was reviewed concerning the methodologi cal quality of its research and the experimental and educational relevan ce of its results. The sources of the initial survey included Me standard indexes on educational publications. The methodological entena included, among others: validity of dependent and independent variables,- subjects’ comparability within group companisons; control of expenimenters and observers biases; observers reliability and control of other “interna!” and “idiosyncratic’ confoundings. Wzthzn thzs fzrst part, Me follo wing responses wene explored and evaluated: originalitÇ, cneative thinking, comprehension, abs tmction and genenalization. The conclusion of Me present papa is that, in general, Mere seems to be sorne support for the inclusion of som e procedures in higher education in orden to fos ten vanious complex slcills. However, most of the research results should be taken very carefully and ten tatively because of their numerous methodological Jlaws.

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How to Cite
Sánchez Sosa, J. J. (2011). Evaluación metodológica de la investigación contemporánea sobre respuestas académicas complejas en la instrucción Universitaria: Primera parte. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 2(2), 207–219. https://doi.org/10.5514/rmac.v2.i2.25270

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