The impact of maternal responsiveness and parent training with conduct-disordered children

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Ariel Vite Sierra
Ignacio Pérez Granados
Mireya Ruiz Cabello


We evaluated the effect of the mirroring and the social approval to promote the maternal responsiveness in children’s mothers with behavior problems. A program of behavioral intervention was instrumented through a single case experimental design using instructions, modeling and visual feedback. The results showed a significant increment in the index of maternal responsiveness and a reduction of the aversive behavior of the child. These findings are discussed in terms of the impact of the maternal sensibility in the training to parents in children with behavior problems.

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How to Cite
Vite Sierra, A., Pérez Granados, I., & Ruiz Cabello, M. (2010). The impact of maternal responsiveness and parent training with conduct-disordered children. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 34(2), 163–175.

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