Comparison of two intervention strategies in the mother-child interaction. Its relationship with school performance

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David Jiménez Rodríguez
Yolanda Guevara Benítez


The objective of the present research was to apply intervention strategies to improve the interactions of the mother-child dyad, as a way to improve the academic performance and the behavior in first grade students of the low socio-cultural stratum. The effectiveness of two strategies was compared through the comparison of three homogenous groups composed of 15 dyads each. Group A received training to improve dyadic interactions; in Group B exclusively mothers were trained to improve their raising practices; Group C did not receive training at all. Each strategy was applied in 20 two-hour sessions per week. The effectiveness of the strategies was evaluated measuring its effects in three dependent variables: raising practices reported by mothers and children, academic performance (scholar average), and children’s behavior in the classroom before and after the intervention. The best results were observed in Group A, considering the three dependent variables. The implications, contributions, and limitations of the study are discussed.

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How to Cite
Jiménez Rodríguez, D., & Guevara Benítez, Y. (2010). Comparison of two intervention strategies in the mother-child interaction. Its relationship with school performance. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 34(2), 219–244.

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