Observational Methodology in program Evaluation

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M. Teresa Anguera-Argilaga


The /great amount of specific literature about program evaluation shows us a growing interest during later years. There are many aspects that being included and developed, and mainly some methodological questions; its traditional neglectance has originated an important problem to solve. The decision about which is the best methodology (or some joint methodologies) force us to delimitate the characterics, conditions, resources and applications of each of them, and in this article, stressing observational methodology. Observational methodology is inherent to situations with an important number of natural variables. For this reason adequate development, from some initial taxonomic criteria until the data analysis, it requires of an through all phases.

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How to Cite
Anguera-Argilaga, M. T. (2011). Observational Methodology in program Evaluation. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 17(3), 121–145. https://doi.org/10.5514/rmac.v17.i3.23342

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