Experimental análisis of arithmetic behavior: Componets of two response classes in addition problems

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Vicente García Hernández
Ely Rayek


An mIer and intrasubject design was used to study response generalization in addition arithrnetic problems thaI required, or not required, “carrying” tenths, hundredths, or thousandths front one column lo Me next. TIte results showcd thaI: 1) generalization wi/hin tIte same class ocurred for both prob­lems thaI required, ami rial required, “carrying” from one column lo tIte next,

2) generatization within the sanie class was also observed when tIte format

presentation of tIte addmtion prohlems was chan.gt-d, and .3) thaI subjects who were mnmtially trained on problems that required “carrymng” from one column lo tIte next were able lo solve problems thaI ama not require mt, even lhough they were not specif italy trained lo do ¡1. TIte opposite was rial observed.

These findings itere analized in temis of tIte components thaI dístinguish ant’ arithmetie response t!ass ftorn another.

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How to Cite
García Hernández, V., & Rayek, E. (2011). Experimental análisis of arithmetic behavior: Componets of two response classes in addition problems. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 4(1), 41–58. https://doi.org/10.5514/rmac.v4.i1.23646

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