Online technopedagogical design as an alternative for Health Education in the face-to-face high school at ENP-UNAM

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Karen Itzel Illescas Cruz
Olivia Espinosa Vázquez


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to innovate in online education emerged, leading to the adoption of technology-mediated instructional approaches. The objective of this research was to implement two of them (Salmon and HyFlex by Beatty) in the second year of high school at ENP-UNAM for the subject of Health Education. The methodology for developing an intervention conducted online over seven weeks for the unit: ‘Prevention in health self-care’ is described. The experiences highlight situated learning in accordance with the students' context.

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How to Cite
Illescas Cruz, K. I., & Espinosa Vázquez, O. . (2023). Online technopedagogical design as an alternative for Health Education in the face-to-face high school at ENP-UNAM. Revista Mexicana De Bachillerato a Distancia, 15(30).

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