Development of socio-emotional skills in high school: a case report

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Marian Elizabeth Pontigo-Suárez
Gustavo López Toledo
Raúl Sampieri-Cabrera


Social-emotional skills (SES) are crucial in aiding individuals to understand and regulate their emotions, foster empathy, build positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. This paper examines teachers' perceptions of an online teacher training program for the development of SES in the classroom. The curriculum design was structured using the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, intervention, and evaluation), and the learning paradigm followed is constructivism. The course evaluation was based on qualitative feedback from participating teachers, who highlighted the program's usefulness in enhancing their classroom activities and pointed out challenges related to workload and the need for clearer communication of course objectives. Through the construction of a conceptual model, a continuous improvement cycle based on teacher feedback is proposed.

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How to Cite
Pontigo-Suárez, M. E., López Toledo, G., & Sampieri-Cabrera, R. (2024). Development of socio-emotional skills in high school: a case report. Revista Mexicana De Bachillerato a Distancia, 16(31).

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