Learning allies: The role of family in distance education

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Patricia del Carmen Montaño Reyes
Tsereth Zubayda Loretto Castillo


Distance education has become a viable and advantageous option for many students and families, allowing the inclusion of those with special needs, overcoming geographical and economic barriers, offering a safe environment, and fostering autonomy and self-regulation in learning. Based on the testimony of 13 families of distant high school students, it is possible to conclude that this educational model, represented by several universities, has proven to be effective in the comprehensive formation of students, due to the flexibility it provides to combine studies with other activities such as work or sports. The support of technological platforms and specialized tutors/teachers is crucial to guarantee academic success in this context.

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How to Cite
Montaño Reyes, P. del C., & Loretto Castillo, . T. Z. (2024). Learning allies: The role of family in distance education. Revista Mexicana De Bachillerato a Distancia, 16(31). https://doi.org/10.22201/cuaieed.20074751e.2024.31.87907

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UNAM, CUAIEED. (2024). Revista Mexicana De Bachillerato a Distancia, 16(31). https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/rmbd/issue/view/6238