Implementation of BioInteractive as a distance learning tool to highlight the importance of global change in the subject of Ecology

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Myriam Elizabeth Cobián Aguayo
Alejandro Alcaraz González


During the covid-19 health contingency, the BioInteractive open platform was used to teach the topics of the Ecology subject in the high school. This platform, supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, offers interactive resources on global change. Students built cause and effect models, addressing causes of change, how the Earth system works, and measurable changes applied to a given environmental scenario. The experience reported by all students when using the platform was to understand how human activities intensify environmental problems and that sustainable practices are an alternative to their reduction.

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How to Cite
Cobián Aguayo, . M. E., & Alcaraz González, A. (2024). Implementation of BioInteractive as a distance learning tool to highlight the importance of global change in the subject of Ecology. Revista Mexicana De Bachillerato a Distancia, 16(32).

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