Design of learning activities, content creation and use of apps based on didactic techniques in online high school and higher education

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Marco Antonio González Pérez


This work presents a proposal for the theoretical integration of topics that have usually been developed separately, but that largely constitute online teaching activities in upper secondary and higher education. As a context, is presented the new educational model focused on student learning, from which emerges the need to teach using new didactic techniques, which promote student autonomy, collaborative, meaningful and situated learning, and the development of skills and abilities and attitudes. Emphasis is placed on the importance, for teachers and students, of creating content based on the acquisition of digital skills. The importance of the design of learning activities as the center of the teacher-student pedagogical relationship is addressed and the importance of digital applications (apps) and their evaluation as didactic tools is incorporated. Finally, an initial proposal for planning activities is presented, integrating these concepts in a format supported by the theoretical foundation.

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How to Cite
González Pérez, M. A. (2024). Design of learning activities, content creation and use of apps based on didactic techniques in online high school and higher education. Revista Mexicana De Bachillerato a Distancia, 16(32).

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