Lenguaje y medios. Sociedad civil, espacio público, la palabra castigada

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Ana Goutman Bender


This article analyses the reality of some discourses published in the press whose insertion in the cultural life is arbitrary, ambiguous and fascinating too. Starting with the works of Emile Benveniste about subjectivity within language, the author emphasizes he findings of certain number of phenomena linked to the enunciation and were previously relegated to the use of speech. Thus, the author wonders what these findings prove?

On one hand, enunciation in itself has an argumentative function. That is, an argument is meant to make a positive or negative conclusion from its addressee. Moreover, such function puts an accent on the very structure of the sentence not only because information carries argumentative value, but the phrase can have diverse expressions or resources which are meant to give an orientation to the argument, the enunciation, and in this way direct the addressee in a given direction.


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How to Cite
Goutman Bender, A. (2015). Lenguaje y medios. Sociedad civil, espacio público, la palabra castigada. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 44(179). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.2000.179.48893

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