El sujeto en el feminismo

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Claudia de Lima Costa


In the article, the author reviews the disciplinary status of some aspects of feminism and holds a dialog-retort in relation to various theoretical-defining standpoints regarding the redefinition of the category “women”, which from being a mere textual or discursive symbol, comes to describe the reality of its essence and self. In such manner, the article lays open the opinions that various currents of thought have held regarding the discursive construction —or deconstruction— of the subject in feminism. The author is an advocate of its unity and full significance, and of a more coherent policy that allows for the theoretical and practical construction of feminism’s —and of women's— identity.


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de Lima Costa, C. (2015). El sujeto en el feminismo. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 43(174). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.1998.174.49130

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