Form and Historical Reason of the State in Norbert Lechner’s Thought

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Claudia Garrido Carrasco


This article examines one of the central approaches in Norbert Lechner’s theory, who was one of the most emblematic intellectuals in Latin America’s studies of political subjectivity. Based on the diagnosis of a State crisis due to its functioning as an instrument of domination, the author conceives it as form and historical reason. That is, as an imaginary referent that mediates the social relations between everyday praxis and institutionality. For him, it is in the microphysical spaces where the hegemonic struggle, which must be represented by a general interest, unfolds. Without this mediation and ethical content, the State becomes a simple reproductive device of capitalist relations. Therefore, we propose that the search for a historical perspective within the conceptualization of the State constitutes one of the bases that support Norbert Lechner’s theory of political subjectivity.


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Garrido Carrasco, C. (2022). Form and Historical Reason of the State in Norbert Lechner’s Thought. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 67(246).

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Author Biography

Claudia Garrido Carrasco, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Doctora en Ciencias Políticas

Académica Facultad Ciencias Sociales

Universidad Alberto Hurtado


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