The Diasporic and the Transnational: Conceptual Debates on the State of the Art

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Perla Aizencang Kane


This article proposes a diachronic view of the concept of diaspora, from the first theoretical proposals to contemporary intellectuals. It describes the historical evolution of the concept and addresses the growth in its use as a response not only to academic dynamics but to the change in its semantic meaning. Likewise, it explores the emergence of diaspora studies, the arrival of transnationalism as an analytical perspective, and the changes in the perception of diasporas considering globalization processes and states’ policies in times of transnational living.


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Aizencang Kane, P. (2022). The Diasporic and the Transnational: Conceptual Debates on the State of the Art. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 67(246).

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