Reflections on the space-place binomial in the theoretical-conceptual construction of memory-made-museum. The case of the Shoah
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This article addresses the construction of memory-made-museum through a theoretical-conceptual strategy focused on addressing two tensions inherent to this object of study, as well as the methodological-operational challenge it poses. The first argument refers to the social dimension of museumized memory, which tends to remain hidden from an initial glance; the second points to its deterritorialized character and simultaneous contingency to territory-dependent factors. As for the methodological-operational challenge, it addresses the complexity evident in the empirical panorama of the concretion of said museumized memory. Space-time, frequently disconnected from its formation as memory and its concretion as a museum, is made more complex by various interacting factors on these levels. From this problematization, a theoretical-methodological model is undertaken that considers the complexity of memory-made-museum. Finally, it will call for a reflection on the revision of the binomial space-place.
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