Parallelization of a retained lower second molar. Case report

Contenido principal del artículo

Mireya Guzmán Mora


Introduction: The main objective of the present article is to report a parallelization method for a retained lower second molar. Method: A mini-implant was placed in order to use a spring with an uprighting bend which was directed to the dental organ #47 towards its correct position. Results: An adequate parallelization of the lower right second molar was achieved. Conclusions: The presented case shows an option for molar parallelization that attempts to maintain long-term stability which is one of the objectives of contemporary orthodontics.

Key words: Molar parallelization, retention, mini-implants

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Cómo citar
Guzmán Mora, M. (2016). Parallelization of a retained lower second molar. Case report. Revista Mexicana De Ortodoncia, 3(2).

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