Main discomforts during orthodontic treatment

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Irma Lucía Salcedo Bugarín
Ingrid Patricia Sanín Rivera
Juan Carlos Gutiérrez Rojo


Orthodontic treatment is associated with improvement of the quality of life, although to achieve it the patients must experience side effects; appliances cause physical and psychological discomfort, as well as functional limitations. Objective: To analyze which are the main discomforts associated with the use of orthodontic appliances, their determinant discomfort factors and the effect they have on the quality of life of adolescents and adults; with the use of the OIDP (Oral Impacts on Daily Performances) questionnaire in the form of an interview. Material and methods: 45 individuals aged 12 to 36 years, with at least 6 months of orthodontic treatment, participated in this study. Data were obtained by interview questionnaires; the intensity of both physical and psychological discomfort was assessed using the IOPD. Results: 100% of the participants experienced discomfort associated with the use of orthodontic appliances. Most patients had a very mild overall effect (77.8%); the most affected activities were: cleaning or brushing teeth (95.5%), eating and enjoying food (82.2%), sleeping and relaxing (42.2%), speaking and pronouncing correctly as well as maintaining a normal emotional state without anger (35.5%) respectively. Conclusions: The discomfort associated with the use of orthodontic appliances had a negative infl uence on the quality of life of adolescents and adults. The determining factors for discomfort were: the presence of orthodontic appliances (100%), grains or ulcers (46%) and sensitive teeth (36.7%).

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Comment citer
Salcedo Bugarín, I. L., Sanín Rivera, I. P., & Gutiérrez Rojo, J. C. (2019). Main discomforts during orthodontic treatment. Revista Mexicana De Ortodoncia, 6(2). Consulté à l’adresse

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