Physical properties of four bracket adhesives. A comparative study

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Eira López Palacios


Due to the quick technological evolution, orthodontic product’s manufacturers continuously develop adhesives to satisfy the needs of the specialist, who trusts the published virtues. Due to the fact that clinics often choose products based on marketing or maybe by habit, it is necessary to analyze orthodontic products and assess their physical properties in order to make better choices of one product over another. During the last two decades investigators have taken as a parameter the Transbond XT resin, however, recently other companies have launched to the market new products. It is for this reason that the objective of this study was to determine some of the physical characteristics of the most widely used bracket adhesives in Orthodontic graduate programs of public and private teaching institutions of Mexico: Transbond XT (TB), Enlight (IN), Super C-Ortho (SC) and Fuji LC (FJ). Method. The sorption and solubility (n = 10) in accordance with ISO 404 were calculated and the film thickness was measured (n = 10) attending to the norm ISO 11405. The ANOVA and Test of Tukey was used to determine the statistical differences. Results: Sorption (μg/mm3 ): TB (3 ± 2), EN (6 ± 2), SC (23 ± 6), FJ (150 ± 20). Solubility (μg/mm3 ): TB (0.6 ± 2.0), EN (-1.0 ± 1.0), SC (10.7 ± 4.5), FJ (-29.9 ± 3.9). Film thickness (um): TB (68 ± 1), EN (124 ± 2), SC (98 ± 4), FJ (56 ± 2). This study was financed by UNAM-DEGAPA-PAPIIT IT 201612.

Key words: Bracket adhesives, physical properties, sorption, solubility, film thickness

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Como Citar
López Palacios, E. (2016). Physical properties of four bracket adhesives. A comparative study. Revista Mexicana De Ortodoncia, 2(1).

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