Perception about the Democracy in Aguascalientes

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Andrés Reyes Rodríguez


The democratic progress of Mexico is very recent and, nevertheless, already live a period of dissatisfaction. The survey of perception applied in Aguascalientes homes confirms this trend, despite the differences in age, income and education. The answers match the observed trends in Latin America, where have been found categorical rejections to politics and politicians in general, and yet is standing a positive assessment on democracy.

The aguascalentesenses identifies this political system from a contrasting point of view: they see it linked mainly with the freedom and equality, but a significant percentage of citizens prefers an authoritarian system in order to have effective results. In this part of Mexico a high percentage of people perceive democracy linked to economic development and public safety. Democratic disenchantment has nuances that invite reflection. Responses indicate that there is more democratic interest among groups of adults and persons of higher earnings and schooling than among youth and low educational level and lower income groups.

A likely explanation of the described contrasts is the acceptance of a zero or low democratic coexistence in the family, education and employment fields. The survey motivates more questions than answers and makes clear the need for more studies on the same topic on a permanent basis.

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How to Cite
Reyes Rodríguez, A. (2013). Perception about the Democracy in Aguascalientes. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (11).

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Andrés Reyes Rodríguez, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (UAA).

Doctor of Social Sciences. Research Professor at the Universidad Autonóma de Aguascalientes. Research interests: political institutions and electoral processes.