Elections and cultural mediations in Guanajuato municipality

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Jorge Uzeta


This work describes the electoral itinerary of Atarjea, a guanajuatense municipio of the Sierra Gorda, starting from the dominion and crisis of the agrarismo, as the main political force, to get to the recent general elections on july of 2006. The point is to identify the implications of local mediations, that come from the result of the culture and history of the place, and his influence in changes that involve not only the notions of citizenship and democracy, but also the modernity in which they pretend to be supported.

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How to Cite
Uzeta, J. (2013). Elections and cultural mediations in Guanajuato municipality. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (4). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484911e.2008.4.41643

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Jorge Uzeta, El Colegio de Michoacán.

Teacher-researcher at the Center for Anthropological Studies of El Colegio de Michoacán (COLMICH). Doctor in Social Sciences from El Colegio de Michoacán (2002), and researcher, level I, the National System of Researchers.
Among his recent publications are: The devil and holy. Religious imagery and social change, Mexico, COLMICH, 1997; "The view from the hill: the construction of an Otomi environment Guanajuato" in Relations, vol. XXII, no. 87 COLMICH, summer 2001; "The best intentions civil associations in the Sierra Gorda of Guanajuato." In streaks; Year IV, no. 11 COLSAN, May-August 2002; Guanajuato: recent contributions for study (shared coordination), COLSAN-University of Guanajuato, 2004. jorgeuzeta@colmich.edu.mx