Mediatization of Politics: Public Scrutiny Television in Mexico

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Daniel Peña Serret


Parting from the “citizen scrutiny” concept elaboration, as a political participation way, there is a consideration about its publicity conditions, by the confrontation of the institutional, interactive and communicative basis that make it possible in representative democracy, which determines its reach and repercussions as a political influence phenomenon to watch elect governors and with effects on mediatized public opinion conformation. The analysis shows, by one side, that is a practice kept to political mediation processes derived from representation, which subject are citizens and directed to influence on collective matters, but as different to the protest action as to the participative deliberation, from which keeps likeness.

On the other side, that such practice is also kept to cultural mediation processes in the civil society’s public sphere, among them those who are refered to media communication that lead to the “mediatization” of that citizen practice, through the “mediatized public scrutiny” phenomenon that mass communication media institute, which can take place by its symbolic representation in “opinion” gender television shows.

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How to Cite
Peña Serret, D. (2013). Mediatization of Politics: Public Scrutiny Television in Mexico. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (10).

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Author Biography

Daniel Peña Serret, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Degree in Sociology, Master in Communication, Candidate of Political and Social Sciences at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM, Where Teaches course and DEVELOPS the research on political communication, public feedback and federal Congress. Taught at the Masters in Communication in the Latin American University (2002-2007). It´s coauthor of Mexican Oil in the World Energy Structure, UNAM, Mexico, 1991; Article "PAN Campaign for President of the Republic: 2002" in Campaigns, parties and candidates. Election 2006 Plaza y Valdés, UNAM, 2007 and author of "Democracy in Crisis: Public and mediocracy space", in Papers of Interdisciplinary Seminar on Communication and Information, no. 1 FCPyS, UNAM and speaker at various seminars, conferences and academic forums.