Parliamentary and presidential elections in Russia: politics Vladimir Putin line will remain after May?

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Pablo Telman Sánchez Ramírez


The present article focuses on analyzing the political, economical and social situation in Russia, facing the upcoming presidential transition taking place in May, in which Dmitri Medvédev will succeed the current president Vladimir Putin. The central interest of the author, resides in questioning himself if the political line established by the current president Vladimir Put in will be maintained, taking account that he could become first minister of that country. The author observes, based on the results of the parliamentarian election that took place in December, that the Russian society’s real support to President Vladimir Putin, far from being diminished, it is even duplicated.

Therefore, concludes the author, the actual situation in Russia favors the continuity of Putin’s political line during the upcoming four years. The Russian electorate, after having suffered the chaos and crisis occasioned by Yeltsin’s regime, appreciates more a political regime whose main goal is to maintain order and stability, rather than a regime that could suggest greater democratic and liberal reforms.

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How to Cite
Sánchez Ramírez, P. T. (2013). Parliamentary and presidential elections in Russia: politics Vladimir Putin line will remain after May?. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (5).

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Author Biography

Pablo Telman Sánchez Ramírez, Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM)

Doctor in Political and Social Science in International Relations from the FCPyS-UNAM. Research Professor in the Departamento de Estudios Internacionales del at ITESM Campus Ciudad de Mexico, and professor of University System Open FCPyS. Member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Level II.
He has worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, politics Bureau for Europe and overseas service there. He served as Third and First Secretary at the Embassy of Cuba in the Soviet Union, later Russia and Ukraine. He was also associate researcher and policy analyst at the Center for European Studies in Havana.
Among his publications are: Razón y Poder: Rusia una potencia hacia el siglo XXI (Miguel Ángel Porrúa / Tecnológico de Monterrey, México, 2005), "La Paz y las regiones del Mundo. La Nueva Geopolítica Rusa", in Diálogos Fórum Universal de las Culturas, Fondo Editorial de Nuevo León, México, 2008. 

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