Nuevos horizontes en la formación de opinión pública

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Mercedes Montserrat Labastida Ortiz


This work presents the progress of the project Virtual democracy and political participation in social networks: the microtargeting, a communication study by the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, whose purpose is to know how social networks affect democracy and political participation in Mexico. Starting from this hypothesis of such incidence we create a psychotic profile of the Mexican user of social networks.

This study is the first of its type carried out in Mexico and seeks to determine the characteristics of the user of social networks and how they socialize knowledge, exchange thoughts, communicate ideas and, thus, shape a political culture. Topics such as network theory, information society, information and communication technology (ICT), public space, informal organization theory, political communication and political culture, serve as a support to the formation of the research’s theoretical and historical framework, so that we can design, apply, process, analyze and interpret the field study to be made. The overall objective of this project is to generate knowledge about social network users in Mexico through the documentation and contrasting with empirical evidence.

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How to Cite
Labastida Ortiz, M. M. (2013). Nuevos horizontes en la formación de opinión pública. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (10).

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Author Biography

Mercedes Montserrat Labastida Ortiz, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Student of Communication Sciences at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, in the terminal area of Advertising. Democracy project collaborator in the virtual and political participation in social networks: microtargeting. A study of communication (2010- present). His research interests include political participation, civic participation, social networks and studies on advertising (branding, market research, campaign design).