The great challenge of the federal elections of July 5, 2009: abstention and the need to build a political culture of electoral participation

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Francisco Javier Jiménez Ruiz


The Mexican federal elections of the 5 of July of 2009 constitute a referring one of first order in the process of democratic consolidation. In Mexico the theory of the transitions to the democracy does not count on an orthodox application. The Mexican case registers a phenomenon of simultaneity between transition and consolidation. This determines that, in conceptual terms, clarity cannot exist. On the other hand, the political-electoral participation directly is connected with the conformation of a democratic political culture. The phenomenon of the non-participation must be understood like an integral part of the political-electoral behavior of more of 45% of the voters enrolled in the nominal electoral list. The referred election constitutes a challenge of scientific explanation and protests to be taken care of.

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How to Cite
Jiménez Ruiz, F. J. (2013). The great challenge of the federal elections of July 5, 2009: abstention and the need to build a political culture of electoral participation. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (6).

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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Jiménez Ruiz, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Doctor in Political Science and Sociology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, attended the doctoral specialization in Game Theory and Methods in Social Science at the University of Essex, England and Masters in Political Science in Latin America, Latin American Headquarters in Santa María La Rabida.
He completed his master's degree in political science at the UNAM, and a BA in Political Science and Public Administration at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, where he teaches full time, part of the Center for Studies in Communication Sciences and Professor of I graduate. He is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Level I.
Some of the subjects he has taught are: "Game Theory and Applications", "Quantitative and qualitative methods applied to the political and administrative sciences", "Policy Research Techniques," "Government and international geopolitics", "Social Research "" Social Theory "," comparative political systems "and" political research methodology ".
He has researched about mathematical models and their implementation in policy research; financing of political parties in Western democracies; democratization of the Mexican Federal District; State reform in Mexico, and game theory.
Some of his published books are

El financiamiento de partidos políticos en países occidentales (México, Galma Editores, 2008); Financiamiento de partidos políticos y teoría de juegos (México, Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2005); Ciencia Política y teoría de juegos (México, UNAM-FCPYS, 2004); Teoría de juegos e investigación política (Bogotá, Convenio Andrés Bello Bello, 2009).

He has also worked as a consultant and advisor to both public and private institutions and has worked as a journalist in  electronic and print media.