Policies Youth in Mexico City: the cardenista experience News Divine

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Fernando Aguilar Avilés


The policies of youth in Mexico during the PRI regime were characterized by their corporativism, paternalism and asistecialistic kind. The PRD arrival to the government of Mexico City meant, at least during the first administration (1997-2000), a radical transformation around the way to conceive youth and the policies aimed [directed] to this group of the population. Since then, the tendency of the two following administrations has been the regression of the advances started with the cardenismo. The article aims to review what policies have been after more than ten years since the arrival of a PRD government to the capital. Previously, there is a discussion on the necessary dimensions for the characterization and analysis of every policy of youth.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Avilés, F. (2013). Policies Youth in Mexico City: the cardenista experience News Divine. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (6). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484911e.2009.6.41819

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Author Biography

Fernando Aguilar Avilés, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Degree in Sociology, Master in Government and Public Affairs and doctoral studies in Public Administration. He teaches Bachelor in Sociology at the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales since 1997; Expertise in Social Work, and Specialty Youth Intervention Models with the National School of Social Work since 2008 (UNAM). Since 2003 works at the Unidad de Estudios sobre la Juventud, del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la UNAM.

He has published, among other texts: a) (2008) "Estudio introductorio", al documento Observatorio de Programas de Educación Cívica y Fomento al Voto Joven en el Proceso Electoral Federal 2008-2009, Organización Fuerza Ciudadana, México. b) (2006)

Culturas juveniles o tribus urbanas?, Serie Talleres, no. 7, Colección Vivir Valdocco, Movimiento Juvenil Salesiano, México. c) (2006) "Políticas sociales y juventud: la experiencia del primer gobierno electo de la Ciudad de México" (1997-2000), en Veredas: Revista del pensamiento sociológico,año 7, núm. 13, segundo semestre, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México. d) (In collaboration with Juan Jesús Chávez Estrella, 2001), Estado y política social", en Acta Sociológica, julio-septiembre, FCPyS–UNAM, México. fernando. aguilar.aviles@gmail.com

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