Regression or Democratic Progress in Mexico. Citizen Building

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María Magdalena Alanís Herrera


Democracy and citizenship are issues that precede each other. Taking as reference the need for active participation of the people for the execution of power. However Sergio Tamayo said, not all is equal participation or its mechanisms or processes. Much depends on the model of citizenship and political culture, socio-historical context in which are the various forms of action and institutionalization of all social and political actors facing each other as adversaries, and the degree of deepening conflicts. Thereby it is important to analyze the trajectory on democracy that allows elucidate how solid is our democracy, the quality of political actors, the quality of citizen participation and the construction of a new citizenship; seeking to claim political activism and multiculturalism. First of all, the elections placed at the center of public debate our ability as a society to consolidate the democratic advances made or stagnate in struggles for positions of power at the inability of our political institutions to contain the ambitions of politicians themselves, enforce law and respond to social demands of peace and social justice. Being captured that democracy is consolidated only if the actors decide to play and respect the rules, to take firm steps towards the goal which is to achieve superior governments not only legitimate but efficient.

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How to Cite
Alanís Herrera, M. M. (2013). Regression or Democratic Progress in Mexico. Citizen Building. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (15), 45–59.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

María Magdalena Alanís Herrera, Instituto Electoral y de Participación Ciudadana del estado de Durango (IEPC, Durango), México

Doctor of Law from the Universidad Juarez del Estado de Durango, whose Facultad de Derecho is Professor, taught different subjects such as Roman Law, Administrative Law, Political Economy, Tax Law, Electoral Law. Her research interests are: legal, social and political processes; constitutional and penal reform aspects of the Mexican state.