The Transformation of Public Opinion Before the Resurgence of Nationalisms

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Tania Celina Vásquez Muñoz


The present work aims to analyze theoretically the resurgence of nationalism in the transformation of public opinion and perceive the scope of its reproduction at a global scale. Liberal democracy and the phenomenon of globalization have manifested themselves as phenomena of critical junctures, which have not been able to solve global political and economic problems. From a theoretical review of nationalist projects that have presented themselves as alternatives to the solution of the problems left by the neoliberal system, it constructs the argument that the resurgence of nationalism has been through a xenophobic, discriminatory and racist discourse. Through the article, it can be appreciated that this new identity has developed democratically through elections since it has been through formal mechanisms (especially the casting of votes) that nationalism has returned to the public sphere. Being such a current topic —not only in the Mexico-United States relation—, its analysis is fundamental from a theoretical point of view, but it does not aim to be in any way a proposal for the solution to the problem of nationalisms.

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How to Cite
Vásquez Muñoz, T. C. (2017). The Transformation of Public Opinion Before the Resurgence of Nationalisms. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (23), 63–80.

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Author Biography

Tania Celina Vásquez Muñoz, Organismo Público Local Electoral del Estado de Veracruz

Doctor with honorary mention in Public Law by the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales of the Universidad Veracruzana. She has been professor in constitutional law, constitutional procedural law, human rights and amparo. She has several publications that deal with freedom of expression, deliberative democracy, human rights and electoral justice. At the moment she is Consejera Electoral of the Organismo Público Local Electoral del Estado de Veracruz and presides both the Comisión Especial para la Promoción Democrática as the Comisión Temporal de Medios de Comunicación y Monitoreo a los Medios Informativos.


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