Collection Methods and Survey Accuracy. The case of Nuevo León, Mexico in 2021

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Alejandro Díaz Domínguez


When analyzing survey data collected by different methods for the 2021 gubernatorial elections in Nuevo León, Mexico, it was found, in line with the literature, that the average error decreased as the election day approached, when considering a broad time horizon. In some cases, polls’ methodological characteristics also reduced the error, such as margin of error, sample size and the number of days spent in the field. However, according to the collection method used, in which probabilistic methods were relatively more accurate than the non-probabilistic ones, the average error and the estimation error per candidate showed variations in accuracy.

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How to Cite
Díaz Domínguez, A. (2023). Collection Methods and Survey Accuracy. The case of Nuevo León, Mexico in 2021. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (35).

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Author Biography

Alejandro Díaz Domínguez, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Profesor investigador de la Escuela de Gobierno del Tecnológico de Monterrey y doctor en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de Vanderbilt. Sus áreas de investigación se centran en religión y política, elecciones y encuestas. Sus publicaciones más recientes han aparecido en la Revista Latinoamericana de Opinón Pública, Political Studies Review y Journal of Church and State, entre otras, además de ser integrante del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, nivel I.


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