For a History of Political Communication. The Greek Origins in Two Poets: Homer and Hesiod
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Although Political Communication is a discipline under construction that focuses its practice on contemporary phenomena such as campaigns, elections and government actions, among others, its origins go back to the first steps in the formation of Western consciousness. This happened, according to our point of view, among the first Greek poets: Homer and Hesiod. Therefore, the objective of this work is
to find the foundations of Political Communication, through the review of texts of the mentioned poets and placing them in a political context, in the sense of their value and function within the polis. In doing so, we want to explore a universe that has not been worked much but which we consider fruitful, especially because modern approaches to the subject do not assume that there is such a remote past
in the discipline. Finally, we hope that our work, the first in a series that aims to grow and include other authors, will serve to build a greater theoretical support and amplify the ways of approaching Political Communication.
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