The Survey: Communication Instrument for the Consolidation of Sustainable Urban Projects
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When local governments undertake actions seeking the sustainability of cities, they begin by facing the challenge of generating strategies that allow effective communication between the different agents that are part of daily urban life and public administration, a challenge that implies construction of mechanisms and tools that allow the capture and flow of information with its respective feedback between citizens and public institutions.
The objective of this research work is to distinguish the survey as a transcendental tool for the formulation and design of strategies for the implementation of public policies that contribute to the sustainability of cities. It has been identified that the survey, in addition to serving as a capture instrument where citizen opinion information is collected, when used with an encrypted response system on a Likert-type scale, it is possible to work on a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) model. ), to group data and identify causal relationships on the influence of certain urban development phenomena on sustainable balance, a condition that consolidates the survey as a solid operational argument in decision making, which must find an echo in the feedback of the system of urban information and government activities.
The experimentation was carried out in the city of Morelia, with a time frame of 2023 and using the regulatory framework -goals and indicators- of SDG 11. Sustainable cities and communities of the 2030 Agenda. A survey was implemented where citizens were questioned. on the phenomena that occur in the city and indirectly it was postulated that, at the same time, this system of responses qualifies the performance of government agencies, a condition that allows, based on the results of ACP, to develop an operational strategy to combine efforts. between certain institutions and execute joint actions to seek the sustainable balance of the city.
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